To address the needs and challenges facing the police and public safety sectors in Canada, CCJS will operate on three pillars:
Education and Training
The Education and Training pillar involves finding ways to improve the education and training opportunities and programs available to first responders and public safety personnel and health care providers (e.g., clinical psychologists), including specialized and executive level training courses.
Research and Development
The Research and Development pillar focuses on finding solutions in the areas of improving first responders and public safety personnel’s health and well-being; understanding and communicating the economics of new practices; finding ways to properly collect and disseminate research findings and best practices to key personnel; fighting cybercrime; and improving surveillance and communications technologies. In some cases, researchers adapt international research findings and technologies to meet the needs of the Canadian first responders and public safety sector.
Innovation and Commercialization
The Innovation and Commercialization pillar involves patenting and marketing viable technologies and programs that are developed by the Centre to jurisdictions across Canada and around the world.
In the end, the Centre helps ensure that Canada becomes a world leader in the development of cutting-edge research and technologies that support and enhance first responders and public safety efforts.